BOLD Capital Partnersのデザインに興味ある方にオススメのWebサイト
Investing in People and Technologies that Transform the World — BOLD is a venture capital firm that seeks entrepreneurs and companies who share a fierce vision for a brighter tomorrow.
Bold Monday regards itself as the typographical equivalent of a...
一色法律事務所・外国法共同事業を二人で設立いたしました。We have founded a new law firm....
A magazine about how having a bond makes for much better outcom...
We co-found and support aspiring founders to build transformati...
Explore 50 years of people, moments and milestones that have he...
Crezit Holdings株式会社は「信用を最適化して、人の可能性を解き放つ。」をミッションに掲げ、テクノロジーとデザイン...
KicSpace HANEDAは、羽田空港を拠点とする、天空橋駅直結の会員制スタートアップ拠点です。 きらぼし銀行が運営する当... - Trade perpetual contracts with no commissions and u...