Giulia Saporitoのデザインに興味ある方にオススメのWebサイト
I’m Giulia Saporito, a graphic designer and postgraduate student currently based in Glasgow. I have a profound interest in the printed matter, colour and typography. Contact me for working together or just to say hi!
Giulia Gartner (@giuligartner) is an outdoor, travel, and comme...
I'm a designer that likes to make stuff on the internet....
A creative partnership. Jamhot collaborate with nice folk to cr...
岐阜県郡上市にある、シルクスクリーン印刷、企画、デザインのUM FACTORY(ウムファクトリー)です。手ぬぐい・籏・幕・のぼ...
We like stories and we love to tell them. We do graphic design,...