Melisterra is a new project, though it comes from a team with over 25 years’ experience working with beehive products. Surely you have heard of the excellent properties in honey, propolis, and royal jelly – but have you had a chance to savour their benefits? We bring our bees’ treasures to your palate – purely and naturally, straight from our beehive to your table.
AIが導き出したオリジナルフレーバーと、4つのリラクゼーションサポート成分がくつろぎタイムをサポート。現代人に必要な “安らぎ...
2021年1月15日(金)よりバレンタイン期間限定で販売。ベトナム発Bean to Barチョコレートブランド「MAROU(マ...