// FRONTAGE 株式会社フロンテッジ

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東京都港区。ソニーと電通が出資する総合広告会社。 Minato-ku Tokyo. Advertising company jointly affiliated by Sony and Dentsu. Our mission is to motivate people to act upon their desires, but so far this is something we have not been able to fully achieve. In an age where we are presented with so much information and so many choices, the mechanisms driving human behavior have also changed significantly. In theory we now may lack for nothing, but we can still be easily and randomly swayed to want or do things. In a world where we have everything we need, motivation has become the key to changing behavior. Insights from big data into the mechanism driving unintentional, casual interest have changed our approach. As creators in the digital age, we connect people and brands through the screens of their mobile devices. As designers in real space, we aim to stimulate the desire to touch and try things out, an important counterbalance to our digital devices. As consultants, we work with our clients to analyze their challenges and set objectives to promote internal attitudes that are positive and forward-thinking. As specialists in human motivation we aim to become partners guiding our clients to success. The Frontage Motivation Project has begun, and Frontage Motivation Lab is drawing professionals in motivation design from many fields. Frontage - The Motivation Design Company.